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What Happens After You Are Arrested?

arrest  Many New York residents will find themselves facing serious criminal charges ranging from DUI offenses to assault or drug possession.  Once you’ve been arrested in New York, you will then be forced to manage and understand the criminal justice system, which requires an understanding of complex processes and procedures.  If you have found yourself in this unfortunate position, knowledgeable New York Criminal Defense Attorneys at Sharifov & Associates, PLLC will help ensure you understand your rights and the system at every step of the way.

When does someone first see a judge after they have been arrested in New York City?

After an arrest, you will appear before a judge within 24 hours at an arraignment hearing.  At that point, you will be informed of the charges against you and you or your attorney will be provided with a paper copy of the charges against you. An arraignment can be the end or the beginning of your case, which is why legal representation is critical even at this early stage.  If you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor, Assistant District Attorney (prosecutor) may offer you a plea to the reduced charge with a sentence recommendation. If you consent and the judge approves the plea, the case may get resolved at arraignment. New York Criminal defense attorney at Sharifov & Associates, PLLC can advise you if it is in your best interest to resolve the case at this stage by pleading guilty.  This usually happens with a low-level first offense. The judge may also dismiss your case under certain circumstances. If there is no resolution, the Judge will listen to the bail arguments from both prosecutor and the defense attorney and will decide whether to set bail, the bail amount, whether to release the defendant on own recognizance (“ROR”) or, in some serious matters under special circumstance whether to remand the defendant without bail. It is essential to have an experienced defense attorney familiar with local customs and practices to make the most compelling bail argument for the defendant. Also, dependent on the nature of the case, the Court may issue a full stay-away or a limited order of protection against the defendant and in favor of the complaining witness. If you or your love one has been arrested in New York and face arraignment, a New York criminal defense lawyer can ensure your voice is heard at this critical stage in your case.

Will my case go to trial?

An absolute majority of the criminal cases do not actually make it to the trial stage because they are resolved through a plea bargain.  In some instances, a plea bargain may result in a better outcome for a defendant where the evidence may not be in their favor or they have a criminal record for similar crimes. Simply put, it is not always in a defendant’s best interest to allow a jury to determine their fate. Or, for some defendants, a jury trial may not be worth the trouble and expense, and they will rather take a plea deal, especially if that deal results in a fine only and no criminal conviction, or, in some cases, in a criminal conviction, but no jail or probation. However, if you do choose to try your case, an attorney experienced with criminal law in New York will do his or her best to ensure you are provided a fair trial and advocate strongly on your behalf from beginning to end.

What should I do if cited with a traffic ticket in New York City?

While not all traffic offenses are equally as serious, any moving violation can result in huge fines and points on your driver’s license. A traffic ticket lawyer in Nassau County, New York can work with you to either get a citation dismissed or reduced.  If you do not believe you committed the offense you were cited for, a Nassau county traffic ticket attorney can be especially helpful in challenging the officer’s evidence. Although many people choose to simply pay the ticket, you still have a right to a trial even for a traffic offense.

Contact us

If you’ve been arrested in New York or cited, your rights are on the line. Allow one of our skilled criminal defense attorneys stand by you at every step of the way.  Contact the lawyers at Sharifov & Associates, PLLC today.  We handle all criminal cases in New York City as well as all Criminal and Traffic matters in cases in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, NY.   We have offices in NYC and Nassau County.

Sharifov  & Associates, PLLC

516-505-2300              718-368-2800

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